Who is the Company

An American Fortune 500 retail chain.

The Challenge

The company had developed a web-based omnichannel wallet that allows customers to manage and use their coupons and promotional offers across different devices and channels seamlessly either in-store or online.

The application was hosted by on-premises infrastructure. The company decided to migrate all its current functionality to GCP in order to:

  • Avoid spending a lot of money upfront on hardware
  • Gain control over software, data, and services updates
  • Create proof-of-concepts (PoCs) quickly
  • Secure and manage their APIs

In addition, the company wanted to take advantage of multiple Google services and support for horizontal scaling. GCP can adjust to demand, track resources, and charge per second.

In summary, the company needed a partner to:

  • Carefully plan an orderly GCP migration testing regime
  • Guarantee post-migration functionality
  • Ensure an acceptably low percentage of defects across channels
  • Perform user acceptance testing (UAT)
  • Coordinate with cross-vendor teams
  • Develop proof-of-concepts (POCs) to support the migration

The Solution

Prior to the GCP migration, our Quality Engineering (QE) team thoroughly tested the digital wallet application in a timely manner, identifying the maximum number of bugs. To streamline the process and enhance efficiency, they created a defects tracker and conducted daily follow-ups with the development team to ensure the timely fixes of discovered bugs.

The team met the deadlines for point releases, even without any acceptance criteria. They also performed desktop and mobile-enabled web (MEW) testing across various platforms like Android and iOS. The goal at this stage, which was successfully met, was to reduce defect leakage. The company was immensely pleased with the extent of the test coverage.

Our QE team also presented demos to the UAT team for application review and diligently addressed UAT requirements. Pursuing a proactive approach, we conducted daily follow-ups with the development team to facilitate quick fixes.

The team became the first point of contact for the delivery manager, scrum master, and developers dealing with both Service and UI issues in the wallet across channels. Their excellent coordination with cross-vendors ensured smooth operations.

Here are a few key takeaways from the final solution:

  • XAPI and REST services migration: Tested services related to the XAPIs and REST services individually and automated using the new Spring Boot framework.
  • Database migration: Tested site operations related to data update, retrieval, and creation.
  • Automation framework: The solution included the REST Assured Java DSL (domain-specific language package) to boost REST service testing in the Spring Boot application.
  • End-to-end integration: Using the Java Spring Boot automated testing framework, our team integrated the Vue.js user interface, Cloud Spanner database, and a flexible publish/subscribe (Pub/Sub) messaging system.
  • Architectural improvement:The solution migrated the legacy Java-based monolithic REST service to a more flexible and scalable microservices architecture.

Business Impact

The main advantage to the company stems from their decision to migrate away from an on-premises infrastructure and over to GCP. With its wealth of tools, GCP offers the company an opportunity to enhance existing functionality and to easily add new features.

The benefits our QE team helped the company bring to fruition include:

  • No need to spend money upfront on hardware
  • No need to upgrade hardware and migrate data and services every few years
  • Fast provisioning of resources as needed
  • Secure API management
  • The ability to scale to adjust to the demand
  • Tools to track resources and charges on a per-second basis

Over and above the successful GCP migration, our quality engineers contributed the following significant value-adds:

  • Cost-effective migration: The migration was performed in an accurate and controlled manner, resulting in high efficiency, vastly reducing the overall cost of the migration.
  • Improved user experience helps with customer retention: Because the new system is automated, it improves performance and provides accurate information. This, in turn, enhances the customer experience and boosts customer retention.
  • Reliable integration speeds time-to-market for new features: The new system includes end-to-end integration testing, ensuring a reliable process for introducing new features. This allows the company to introduce new features quickly, increasing customer satisfaction.
  • Thoroughly tested business functionality post-migration: Our team played a significant role in smoothly delivering key business features. The company now has great confidence that its full business functionality has been fully migrated to GCP.

Technologies Used

Cloud Spanner: cloud-based database
Kubernetes: containerized application management
Redis: caching
HashiCorp Consul: service networking solution 
Spring Boot: web apps and micro services framework
Micro Services: scalable and flexible architecture
Pub/Sub: decoupled messaging across channels
Selenium: UI testing
Rest Assured: API test automation
Atlassian Jira: bug tracking

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